
Case1 of love affair using date app

I was a little late to meet him due to my train mistake. He picked me up at Shin-Fukushima station.I heard that Sato’s brother and his family live nearby. I would like to meet them someday.

We went to “Sweet Basil”(Thai restaurant). First salad and soup were better than ever, so we were winners! I was excited. The green curry and the Gapao  rice were too good. It was so spicy that Sato was sweating a lot. The couple next to us were both swallowing. I had a runny nose too, but it was so delicious and I was so happy. I didn’t like the Tom Yam Kung because I don’t like sour and spicy food. I could eat two shrimp. The chicken and cashew nuts were also good. The garlic was a little uncomfortable for me.

Dessert was tapioca with coconut milk. The orange something inside was pumpkin. I didn’t feel pumpkin.

We headed to the “spotcha”(sports facility). I heard that Sato and his brother looks very much, so they judge which of them whether there was their sister in old photos, you can tell if he is with her or not. I would like to see Sato in 10 years. I want to introduce him to my family.

First, we went bowling at spotcha. It had been a long time since I had bowled, and I was so unfamiliar with the sport that all I did was gutter. Sato was getting strikes. While waiting for the table tennis, we went to a game center. Sato was good at the medal game. We kept hitting the ping-pong ball. I was sweating even though we didn’t move much. It had been too long since we took purikura pictures, and the pictures didn’t look good, so I realized that I had become an old lady. But I’m glad I got a purikura with Sato.

We moved to karaoke. They were singing Ikimonogakari (Japanese artist) all the time. Sato seems to like “taiyou”(their song). He told me I was good at “Bluebird” song. He let me fall on his knees. We kissed more than usual. He said it was because he was tired this week. I was very happy that he was healed by me, but that reason didn’t make me so happy. Sato fell asleep on my lap. He was cute. I started to feel like I was menstruating.

On the way to Tennoji, I started to get a stomach ache. I went to the bathroom and found that I had not brought anything to prepare for my period. He was concerned about me the whole time we were walking. We talked about what we were going to do next week, and we decided to go on a trip. It was tough, but I was happy and looking forward to next weel. We went to a pharmacy in Tennoji and had dinner in Hokkaido. We usually sit facing each other when we eat, but I prefer to sit side by side because it’s closer and he doesn’t have to look at me from the front and I don’t get too nervous. He so cute when he was drunk. We made travel plans and I’m really looking forward to next week. I’m also looking forward to a good meal.

We went to see the Christmas market and the lights. I’m going on a trip next week, and the week after that I’ll be having Christmas dinner at home, so I’m sad that I won’t be able to enjoy the Christmas atmosphere in the city much longer. The atmosphere of the lights was totally different from the last time I was here, so I enjoyed it. He said that he looked forward to seeing me without makeup, which made me feel a little nervous, thinking that I would be able to see him behind-the-scenes side. But I was also looking forward to seeing unusual him.

We made a reservation for the bullet train on the way home, and I felt like our trip was finally about to begin. We spent almost the whole day together and went to many places, but I still wanted to be with him, so I asked him if I could go to Sato’s house for 15 minutes, and he agreed. I was less nervous about being touched and looked at than the last time I went to his house. Last time I was so nervous that I didn’t feel good at all, but this time I felt a little better. 

I asked him about his ex-girlfriend out of curiosity, and he said he didn’t want to. I asked him what kind of sex he had, and he told me the process of sex. That’s not what I’m asking! But I couldn’t really explain what I was asking, so I asked him a question at a time. I was still a little depressed after hearing all the things that I was comparing myself to. Sato said that he would not do it because no one would benefit from it. I was so happy to hear that this was his first trip with his girlfriend. I wonder how Sato feels about me being the first. I would be happy if he feels the same way. If his ex-girlfriend said she wants to be his sex-friend, and when I said it’s OK, he said he’s not sure. I felt like I couldn’t fulfill Sato and I couldn’t do anything about it. He said to me that men are for sex and women are for love, but I thought that Sato should not use that as an excuse. I want to win Sato’s heart so much that he doesn’t want to cheat on me.

We stayed together until almost the last train. But it was only for a moment. It was comfortable.

I can work hard for next weekend, even if it’s a little painful.

