18.Cosmos park

Case1 of love affair using date app

It was my first time at the station, and it took me a while to meet up with Sato because I didn’t know what was going on. When I first met him, I felt a little awkward because we were a little tense on the phone, but he treated me normally, so I immediately felt at ease and was able to treat him normally. I want to resolve this issue as soon as possible so that I don’t have any lingering feelings! For lunch, we had curry at a nearby shopping street. There were lots of manga. I had an omelette curry.

The bus to the Cosmos Garden only ran twice an hour, so we window-shopped and took a walk around the station. We went to the library, but surprisingly we didn’t have much time, and ended up only seeing a little bit of Amagasaki Castle. I gave him a souvenir from Arima Onsen and told him it had been three months since we started to date. I asked him “What are we going to do? Would you still go out with me?” He was surprised. The trip was long and I was sleepy by the time we got there.

The cosmos garden was so beautiful. The orange cosmos were at their best last week, but I was happy to see that they were still there this week. I was surprised to see something that looked like an insect coming out of a pinecone.

On the bus on the way home, I told him about the preview of my new room next week, and he said he wanted me to live alone. I could understand why Sato wanted me to live alone, but I told him that I only see him about once a week.The corona disaster has made me miss communicating with others. Moreover, living in a shared house is the best environment for a minimalist. We had a small fight, but I thought it was good that he said what he wanted to say.

I thought it would be harder to say goodbye since we hadn’t seen each other in two weeks, but it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. I thought that I was not dependent on him still.

